A trip to folk territory across France and the United States

What do folk artists convey through their songs, the world around them ?
Do they tell you something of the landscapes and places where they live ?

« FRAGMENTS OF FOLK » takes us on a voyage to meet about a dozen musicians, « songwriters », from France and the United States. This documentary is a journey into the world of folk music, it investigates artists and the creation of their songs, their relationship with their environment, their place in the history of music, their experiences and their choices in life.

These artists, go against the mainstream and dominant economic models, the simplicity and authenticity of their approach arouses interest, desire and curiosity. They help us realize our own relationship with the world in which we live. Through their vision of the world, they invite us to slow down, to listen, to examine and to reconnect with our essence.

The film explores several folk styles (blues, indie, rock, pop, folk punk, …) as well as geographic regions (Eastern France-Strasbourg and the NotrthernVosges North East America from Philadelphia to New York and New England).

Fragments of folk invites the spectator to meander amongst the currents and their environment, the musical diversity, as well as a diversity of point of view and landscapes. Rather than comparing two continents and their difference of approach, the playing of the music or how they live it. The film connects the currents and environments to the musicians who live there.

11 artists and groups have been filmed as part of the documentary Fragments of folk. Well-anchored in their own time, they are influenced by traditional American music (folk, blues, country, Rock…) and offer a contemporary interpretation :
– Oh Well (France)
– Will Stratton (USA)
– Solaris Great Confusion (France)
– Sam Moss (USA)
– Me & the Molku Queen (France)
– Wilder Maker (USA)
– Folk Yourself (France)
– Ocean Music (USA)
– SF & The Ladyboys (France)
– The Red F (USA)
– Renz (France)

Interested in showing the film ? Contact us: contact@fragmentsfolk.com.